Friday, October 5, 2012

Walls, Trash, and Mosaics: Plans Part III

Where the fence is between our neighbor's yard and ours, I want to construct a fence that is about seven feet high.  Instead of a straight, boring fence, I want to do it in panels so I can mix in vertical succulent gardens, mosaics, and ivy walls.

Also, we are planning to do the deck next summer.  The plans have now been extended to include a greenhouse on the end of the deck....and a small hot tub in it. If I have to heat the greenhouse, I'd rather heat a hot tub. :)  I'm thinking heat and moisture in a greenhouse are a good thing.

Oh, and we need to build a trash/green bin/recycling container hutch. 

And, in the continuing stream-of-consciousness style of the last two posts, the morning glories were late this year, but are doing beautifully now.  I am going to line the bed so I can add some tri-mix.   I moved the white bricks from the back there last weekend.  Now I just need to dig them in.'s a thought...what if I put mosaics on the edge of them??  They won't be walked on and would look lovely with the morning glories.  Let's see...clean them, put some thinset on them, add pretty things, grout and done. Yep. That would work.

Flowers, and bulbs, and fruit, oh My! Plans, part II

So, three of our apple trees will need to be pruned (a lot) in March.  They are lovely shade trees, but I want the apple off of them next year, so they need to be cut back.  The pear tree is too large to even try.

I think it would be fun to plant a hardy avocado tree in a planter. They are supposed to be self-pollinating. 

I planted 200 Grape Hyacinths in the gully last week.  They should look like a little stream when they bloom.

I also randomly planted crocus, in twos and threes, throughout the front and back yards.  Between them and the Snow Drops, spring should be quite pretty.

Oh!  My autumn crocus have gone crazy!  I have about forty white and purple ones.  What a change from last year.  I've tried to mark them with tags so I don't accidentally dig them up.

I want to re-do the wood chip walkway in the front of the house and use stones and thyme this fall.  Then, on the street side of it, I want to plant Hidcote Lavendar.  Someone suggested it to me this past spring, and now I'm loving the idea.  Curses John! :)

And life goes on....plans for the garden

This summer has flown by and we've just had way too much going on.  So, now I find I'm behind on every blog I manage.  Oh well, time to update.

Put in garlic last week.  I planted about 30-40 "Music" and 25 or so "Legacy".  Both are hard-neck varieties.  I would like to add a softneck too, but can't find bulbs for any. I planted the garlic and covered them with hay.  Came out the next morning to find that a deer and spent the night there.

Took the tomato plants down and will compost them.  Oh, compost....right.  I've got a new black bin right next to the garden.  Raccoons and other critters have been waging war with me over the compost.  I finally had to put chicken wire on the bottom of the composter, wire it to the sides, and bungie-cord the lid on in both directions.  I am winning, but only barely.

Blackberries and Raspberries
I cleared out the corner where I had four-foot high weeds growing to discover that my blackberry plants were still there and growing.  Tough plants!  So, I've ripped out all the weeds, put down newspapers, compost, manure, hay, sticks, old yard waste bags....and anything else I could find to kill of the weeds.  The blackberries and raspberries both need to be added to the irrigation system next spring.

The herb garden needs to be weeded and mulched.  I'm going to add a raised bed in the open section.
Currently we have planted:
Italian oregano (which is clearly trying to take over the garden)
Mint (in a pot)
Lemon Balm
Cilantro is done.  I harvested the coriander seeds last month.

I need to harvest anything that is left and give everything a hard prune.

Next spring I want to add:
Bee balm in sections of my square foot gardening plots to attract bees for pollination
Echinacea - I'm going more natural on cold meds this next year.
Stevia - trying to wean my family off sugar.  Currently we're using more dates, but I want another option.

Current Vegetable Garden
Kale is growing (about three inches tall now) and microgreens are ready to harvest.  Spinach will be ready in about a week.

Vegetables for next year
So, I have this idea that I want to raise as much as possible next year.  I've been inspired by:   I'm also moving to heirloom seeds instead.

Lettuce (leaf varieties)
Adding a wall of rain gutters and planting lettuce regularly.  Also hoping to use this technique:  I am asking for a vacuum sealer for Solstice/Christmas this year.

Head lettuce
Since I'm changing part of my garden over to square foot gardening beds, I'm going to plan for one romaine and one butter head of lettuce each week over the summer. 

I am moving these to SFG beds and using a trellis.  I need to be more attentive to pruning this next year.  I want put away enough sauce and tomatoes that we can have them every week of the year.  That means I need to do some math to see what that translates to in plants.  I'll need to put in several cherry tomato plants.  Rachel loves those.

Seems to me that corn is easy to grow (we had volunteer plants this year that came up under the bird feeders!), and it can be easily frozen.  So, again, I need to do some math.

Maybe plan for a head of cabbage a month.  Not our favorite vegetable, but we like slaw.

Melons (multiple varieties)
We like melon. :)  I'm going to try vertical trellises for them.

Ok, I have to be the only person who can't grow peas and beans.  THIS NEXT YEAR I WILL SUCCEED.  :)  Rachel loves to eat peas right off the plant.  (Yay for three-year olds eating green veggies.)

I would like to put in about fifteen plants on the side of the gully.

Again, not my favorite, but good for us.  So, planning on one plant every two weeks during the year.  So, will freeze a lot.

2-3 different varieties.  We eat a lot of carrots, so I want to plant enough that we can freeze them for the winter.

I might try to make pickles again.  Maybe.  We'll see.  Will definitely put in a couple of plants and trellises.

I use kale in smoothies and cooked.  So, I want to do a spring and a fall crop.

Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes
I'm going to put in a couple of potato towers this year.  See here:
Maybe I'll do four towers, one each of:
yellow (Yukon Gem Organic)
sweet potatoes


Bell Peppers
Plan on one pepper a week for year.

Hot Peppers
One plant for fun.

Variety...probably in rain gutters.  Need to see if they will be big enough.

My only rhubarb plant was planted in too much shade.  Time to replant.

Both yellow and red

Just a few.  We don't eat them a lot, but mainly because I don't know what to do with them.

Same as turnips.

Intrigued. Like blueberries.

I've got a spot ready for them! 

I need to revamp our strawberry bed.  It is a mess.  I think I'll also try a vertical tower of them.  I saw something involving a PVC pipe with holes in it.  How does one preserve the plants year to year?

Sound like a lot?  Yes, but I really am determined for us to eat healthier and cheaper.