Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hey. Dumbass.

Next year, take Claritin BEFORE raking up all the moldy wet leaves.

Yeah. I knew better.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Herbs I want to plant this year

sweet basil
cat nip
cat grass
summer savoury
winter savory
oregano ( a second variety....the first one I'm getting tired of)
sweet marjoram
bee balm

Trying hard

When my mom died in October, it was hard.  The months afterward have been, well, hard.  My blogging on any of my blogs has been hit and miss at best.  I know she isn't reading any of them anymore and it hurts.

I've started my gardening this year.  The 100 small crocus that Rachel and I planted all over our yard last fall came up.  Tiny yellow, white, and purple flowers in random places.  My mother was supposed to see them.  I remember telling her about them when we planted them.

God this is hard.

The snowdrops came up on schedule in mid-March.  The larger crocus are up and in full bloom in the back flower bed.  They are gorgeous.

Tulips are starting to pop out as well as the ever-present-cannot-kill daylilies.   Rachel has requested daffodils for next spring and daisies.  The daisies I can accomodate this year and we'll plant daffodil bulbs in the fall.

I've planned my vegetable garden.  I'm implementing a square foot gardening approach this year.  I am putting in 14 4x4 beds.  (Yes, we have a large backyard.)  Plus, about 200 garlic plants are already up in my garlic patch.  In two of the 4 x 4 beds, I am planting nothing but "cutting" flowers.

I need to deal with the compost...turn it, mix it...etc.

I've been raking up all the left over leaves from the fall.  I managed to get most of the broken tree branches and leaves up out of the front yard last week.  (I still need to do the ravine edge.)  I've been working on the backyard today.

I designed a 10 x 10 shed (actually, 2) for our backyard.  We'll have an area between them with a potting bench.  I'm putting together the supply list to price them out now.

The weather is hit and miss.  We are actually having spring this year.  Coolish weather with frost still possible....I'm hesitant to put the gladiola bulbs out yet.  One started sprouting in the drawer...in the vermiculite of all things.

Oh, and I had the apple trees and the pear tree pruned.  (Actually, half the pear tree came down. It was pushing 60 feet.)  So, hopefully, we will have a really nice crop of apples this fall.